
The Contractor Visited My Home Before He Started Home Renovation Service Near Me

I had fed up with the monotonous look of my home living in my old home of my grandfather. I wanted to see a change in the home at a big level. I wanted to paint the walls in bright color; similarly, the furniture of the home and the doors, windows and many other things. The reason why I was reluctant was very simple; I did not know how much amount of money I would have to spend on renovating my home. I searched for the home renovation services near me . I went straight to the market to arrange for a professional for the home renovation. I met a contractor who decided to visit my home before he would start a home renovation service near me . I welcomed the person to estimate the actual cost for the home renovation. The contractor took a deep view of my home and sat down to estimate the total cost. After half an hour the person, put a long sheet of the material in front of me asking me to arrange the material myself whereas the labor cost would be charged by him. The huge amo